Vivian Lee (8-month-old baby)

Previously, my husband and I tried to research information about Baby Sleep Training online and we were once very proud of successfully sleep training our baby at around two months old. However, after our baby experienced COVID, the reliance on being held to sleep became increasingly severe. He would wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning and refuse to go back to sleep, staying awake until 6 or 7, which severely affected our energy and work during the day. Many people around us had different opinions, and it seemed like we couldn't find a solution to our baby's sleep problem no matter how much we researched.

We were fortunate that my husband found "BabySleepWell" sleep consultant services. The course material was incredibly detailed and useful. It taught us how to objectively analyze the problem and filled in the gaps in our previous knowledge.

We've been trying it for two days, and we've already seen some results. It's so moving. What's most thoughtful is that we can request a home visit to help us assess the sleep environment, our baby's mental state, and reactions, pointing out problems we hadn't noticed before. They also provided us with a tailored schedule for our baby's age and daily routine, which has been extremely helpful. After a week of trying, our baby is already self-soothing and sleeping through the night, and our daily routine has become much more stable. He's happy during the day, and it's amazing how much more relaxed we are after getting some rest. 🙈🙈

If a dishwasher is a device for household harmony, then this sleep consultant service is our family harmony plan. Thank you so much, Charlotte!

I genuinely recommend this to all parents who are struggling with why their baby seems tired all the time and resists sleep. 💪 Keep up the good work!